After Hours is an American dark comedy film released in 1985, directed by Martin Scorsese and written by Joseph Minion, with cinematography by Michael Ballhaus. It depicts a New Yorker, Paul Hackett (Griffin Dunne), who undergoes a series of adventures and dangers in trying to make his way home in SoHo.
Paul Hackett is living hell and seemingly endless night on the seedy streets of New York SoHo village broke, frenzied and at the end of its rope, it is increasingly thrust into the bizarre and often shocking life of a whole variety of characters. A sequence of misfortunes, coupled with misunderstandings and tragedies, a threat to the health safety and Paul, as he tries to return to his apartment uptown.
such a good movie, i particularly appreciate the fact that everything occurs over the course of one night yet feels like many because of how random the series of events appear to be
such a good movie, i particularly appreciate the fact that everything occurs over the course of one night yet feels like many because of how random the series of events appear to be