Sally, also known under the name of the Fist of Imagination, is a truly Magic Friend. She is of beauty, charmed, and funny. She has deeply, the succulent and buckled hair. She is a gifted of picture and a skillful musician. She is also one of the Selected People. Sally will leave soon to turn over to the Holy Lands where she will teach with Israeli young children the strange Goyim sorcery which is photography. She will visit the Crying Wall, but she will not speak in Bush Burning. Sally will become more about the Unit of the Universe and will learn more its mystical powers. She will be missed, but will return triumphing and omnipotent. She is a special friend to be to Choose.
Both like the mirror, Mie and Kei appeared simultaneously almost in the World, found each other directly. Vague, however it is felt, when mostly slept, looked at dream, from those same delegations where two sends those from opposite side just as it was each one which is programmed. But to the schoolgirl who Japanese of group Shizuoka Prefecture it is laughed secretly, this common dream seems like obligation or destiny, from greatly it seems that a little is. That like the pleasure simply seems the way.
This dream that Mie and Kei discovered special music talent, starts becoming simultaneously substance. The silver make light/write of stage, in order for the sunlight to raise usual existence, raises those. They came to those easily, when you want to do, as for every ability and the talent which are the people of this world, and to share that gift, it is rich.
By the dance which is close in song and perfection is adjusted, the Mind and the Eternal Youth of Happiness were informed as Pink Lady, it was carried easily by the duo which connects consciousness because it becomes the external personality which it is difficult to solve. Pink Lady, like the hip metronome which is made happily in a trance, the directly new personnel, charming melody, and winds thing captured of Japan the centre of the optimistic people and the imagination eternally.
When similar that is young, is old with splendid condition singing, when it is Miraculous Year, it proves. The cord/code poem like 'UFO','Inspector Pepper' and 'Wanted' make history and those of largest Aidoru, has connected the idol singer with the cement. The Troop of the Chameleon, where the pleasure is splendid, the soldier and freedom extend from in the world. Pink Lady, the world remainder because of her, proves finally, but started actualising her delegation of the world.
That Thomas Jerome Newton endeavored in order to recover the water in the planet which dies, simultaneously it is overcome and many by degradation, but the paranoia of this one is perplexed to the Pink Lady road, it was. Mie and Kei as a complete world of complete combination and love gradually, made one time so disjointed, praise started attaching those. And Newton's way, final sound recording is useful in the sound recording which sends Odyssey those as message 'Good-Bye'.
Pink Lady of the Jail of Money which is forcing in the Prostitute of the Smile which for the product which in Japan, those exceeding one time reputation and truth, can sell to the culture which does not have the necessity because of the thing with something the Corporation and all is thought becomes was designated as the slave. It planned, the agency which is calculated started being in order to boost the popularity which turns Japan more just vis-a-vis those. There was no selection in Pink Lady, but with desire of restarting you go away from the house in another seashore.
In America, as for that being desire it seems the way. It seems that they their gorgeousness, for contagion characteristic celebration song found new stage, as for the world developed for the second time in those. However, as for that and it turns permanently exactly as directly. Those could not give the cord/code poem of native language and, being vulgar you cannot understand, it was forcing in meaningless dialogue. As her freedom and a spontaneous characteristic, Pink Lady, which suffered, was decreased.
Those two parts are destroyed, America turned the back section, it died being half because therefore selection is broken in Pink Lady. Like many dreams, this between two best friends who atrophy gradually from memory, it is shared. Still, Mie and Kei, you have lived still and give them to the gift, please love the fact that, therefore it shares Pink Lady, cannot be reset to life under any condition.
Length of the old efficiency where as for delegation you see from that Miraculous Year of what which is, perhaps, you ask 'That perhaps it failed, how?'.
Under our daily world and always close to the curtain to dead is a whole civilisation on the edge of metamorphosis. With the difference of the majestic butterfly, however, this race of the wonders limbless writhe and twist in the stink, corpse putrefied of the end of the life.
They breakdown the old man and transform the matter again, however their own physical transformation, while energetic, leaves much with imagination. With their parts, although humbly and simple spirits, they ensure a service necessary of the world. However, their intended goal is ambivalent. They seem to only exist to irritate and annoy.
'We are not from here, but we know your world and we enjoy it. We do not pretend to understand it, but attempt to assimilate as best we can. We do not try to masquerade as earthlings and understand that we are conspicuous - though to such a degree that no one questions our motives or background.'
'All we desire is to have fun and enjoy the best that your world has to offer. That is our way and it can be yours as well. Now, may we drain a bit of blood from your necks, dear friends?'